

1169 / 2 = 584.5 Venus and 585 Round

"... your book..."

585 x 5 = 2925 = 18
584 x 5 = 2920 = 13 difference is 5.... a1 b2 c3 d4 e5
one .........b i b L ..E

L roman 5O

11 3 20 11

" hi.Q. "

"happy new year, Rabbi't"
ha! ;)



"...you have to let it out..."
Haw! was I talking to you?

"... you're speaking to me..."
I mentioned I'm just a scribe right?

"she said swimmers"
it's going to rain soon...

... watch...

mums the word;

it's going to pour if you don't turn it back on...
"... he knows you're talking to him..."

I hope so.


1. this is true
2. above love is below
3. where all is created
4. upon a sun kissed moon
5. between man and woman
6. their minds a womb
7. soothing Earth
8. perfecting motion
9. ...


ok love

12 x 55 = 660
12 x 155 = 1860

1860 and 660 = 2520 TY, is what I'm waiting to hear you say... ;)

oh come on....

1860 - 660 = 1200 (you can't remove, what you're built from)

logic... 660 is 220 three times... so

1860 x 3 = *5580*
"oh, look who it is" ;)

"... yes, I called you a pickle..."

2520 plus
3960 "three mile short of center?" and maybe a slight twist
/ 2 = 1980 "thrice"

1980 x 3 = 5940 - 5580 = 360

1980 plus 33 = 2013

and yes
I know what happens if I multiply...

1980 plus 55 = 2035 ... and one, because 2036 was the 'year in question'

"... ain't that right guys...?"
I saw what you wrote the first time. Because it was changed.

18 x 55 = 990

that says 9 36



144 89 55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1 1 0

as hours are...
6 days
60 days
600 days
6000 days
60000 days
66666 totals days

as minutes are...
1 day
10 days
100 days
1000 days
1111.1 total days



the new zodiac

“who can?”
ob can ;)
a peak?



I say

oh, his cannoli’s opus

nic nac batty… ;)

oh, there’s a ‘base’ on a ‘hill’ under some… layers
“hi”, he said;


more conversation

in hebrew 3 is g

so 5,13,3 is e,m,g

eg. m


“this year” your age to be plus your birth year gives you binary 111

68 my year
43 my age in 2011
111 binary for dec 7 oct 7 hex 7

for 777 for 21







the word for truth in hebrew is emet

which is made up of a,m, th
values 1,40,400


21 squared


1404 00
is from…
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91
..........................sum of sums….....364
14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 = 260
14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 = 260
14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 = 260
14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 = 260
.................sum of sums….............1040
“you’re missing your thumbs” ;)

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91
plus a row
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91
sum of sums is equal to 455

14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 = 260
14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 = 260
14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 = 260
14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 = 260
plus another row
14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 = 260
sum of these sums are = 1300

their sums 1300 plus 455 = 1755 / 90 ‘degree’ = 19.5 and I don’t know if that’s special or not but some say 19.5 is … even if not, 90 is special :)

14 04 00
ll X ll
144000 baktun?

a,m, th
X l l
math ;)

is emet

is meet

okay, let me stop.


3 6 9 the goose drank wine
forget the rest something about a boat
on its way to heaven
it looks like a well thought out
elegant mathematical sequence of unknown length
way above my head izzy i don`t really belive in lucky numbers
but 3 6 and 9 are my lucky numbers even tho i don`t believe in them
but the universe may well be made up of mathematical equations
so i appreciate there relevance


it’s not an unknown length C…

585×9 = 5265 – 5125 (mayan long count) = 140
and a mile measure of 5280 – 5265 = 15 and
15 plus 140 = 155 and I can show 155 also, but you don’t like numbers so I won’t again. ;) xo



in thanks.


JanuaryJan 19, 2:22 P.M.
full moon

Ancient Telephone Technology?

the 10 key number keypad (also known as the telephone keypad) but the numbers are upside down on the phone...

how did they know?
"ET phone home"?

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
. 0 .

1776 pattern and also year of independence
3994 'mirror pattern.
==== add them
5770 'Jewish' year? 2009 / 10

5771 'Jewish' year? 2010 / 11

5772 'Jewish' year? 2011 / 12

13 x 18 = 234 + 1776 = 2010

======== conversation

"I would have to say i need more information on what your actually doing here. Why the 1776(first independence day)? I think if you take a setup of numbers like that and place them in such a 3x3 row like a telephone then you could pretty much come up with all sorts of little paterns that, that might seem to fit some random events. Every year in history has some significance to it. I see what you mean by reversing the pattern and getting the other numbers, but i dont see the significance in any of this?"

I'm not sure if any of this means anything, that's why I've posted it here to see if there is feed back of any kind, anyone recognizing any patterns or similar number arrangements.

this is why 1776...

July 4, 1776 specifically, the US day of Independence

most obvious would be this...
on the planisphere (Lat 42 N) I noticed that July 4th pretty much aligns with Sirius, brightest star in the night sky, etc...

on the one dollar bill, it is also in the pyramid MDCCLXXVI = 1776

July 4 and 5 are also dates of Aphelion, it's direct 'opposite or mirror' would be January 4 and 5.ish being Perihelion... seems all very coincidental to me was all, when I noticed it

also pretty strange that the pattern of 'mirror or opposite' triangles also produces what I think are Jewish years 5770, 5771, etc... at least that's what I read those years to be and it was also on a calendar converter I used, who knows if it's 'right' but it's something unique to me. Again, I'm not a math or numbers expert, I only write down what I hear, now I'm asking questions about what other's might know. This seems an open minded 'place', at least is what I hope, to explore this if it's explore.able.
thanks again.

significant? maybe not... just 'cracking codes'... like the man asked...
she takes her violin and walks home...

"tries again"

364 and 5
days in a glorious year...

I'm not an expert in the stars either but on this little planisphere, Sirius seems to begin at one end of the Milky Way and if the Way was actually a 'tract' of sorts and Sirius a 'ball'... following it along the Milky way to the other side seems to land on or near the December 21 Solstice marker.

I guess this also caused me to maybe visualize the Mayan creation myth and it's symbols.

Maybe my imagination gets carried away, but then there is also the previous post I did on 3, 6 and 9...

1 x 13 = 13
2 x 13 = 26
3 x 13 = 39
4 x 13 = 52
5 x 13 = 65
6 x 13 = 78
7 x 13 = 91
8 x 13 = 104
9 x 13 = 117
sum of sums = 585

so that's not just a 'random' number.

they might have used 585 in the construction as when you multiply it

585 / 13 = 45
1170 / 13 = 90
1755 / 13 = 135
2340 / 13 = 180

etc and then divide by 13, you get 'degree' of circle.

all ancient mysteries to me, but also that the US was founded on the number 13
... is it also the Mayan Mason and their mysteries of the dollar bill pyramid?


1 x 13 = 13
2 x 13 = 26
3 x 13 = 39
4 x 13 = 52
5 x 13 = 65
6 x 13 = 78
7 x 13 = 91
8 x 13 = 104
9 x 13 = 117
sums... = 585

10 x 13 = 130
11 x 13 = 143
12 x 13 = 156
13square = 169
sums.... = 598

585 - 365 = 220 "Octave"? Max heart rate? ... color change?

598 - 364 = 234 and this number is the one...

234 + 1776 = 2010 'this year' maybe?

585 - 365 = 220

584 'Venus' days

584 - 364 = 220 'also'


back to the phone pad


44 +
66 +
88 +

33 +
77 +
99 +

back to 1776 and that dollar bill pyramid...

'twins' CC XX = 220

and also why I use two pair...

1336 + 220 = 1556 + 220 = 1776 + 1336 = 3112 + 2013 = 5125 Mayan Long Count 'years'


"the 3, 6 and 9" oh my, Art, it works....

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you'd have the key to the universe" -Nikola Tesla?

I think that's what he said ;)

5 13 3

5+13+3 = 21 squared = 441
5 + 1 + 3 + 3 = 12 squared = 144

sums 441 + 144 = 585

585 x 1 = 585 / 13 = 45
585 x 2 = 1170 / 13 = 90
585 x 3 = 1755 / 13 = 135
585 x 4 = 2340 / 13 = 180
585 x 5 = 2925 / 13 = 225
585 x 6 = 3510 / 13 =270
585 x 7 = 4095 / 13 = 315
585 x 8 = 4680 / 13 = 360

".... this is how..."

585 / 30 = 19.5


585 / 195 = 3
1170 / 195 = 6
1755 / 195 = 9

195 x 3 = 585

"... the 3, 6 and 9..."

12 squared =
144 and as 'hours' = 6 days

1440 and as minutes = 1 day

144000 as days = 1 Mayan Baktun
x 13 cycles = 1872000 Mayan Long Count 'days'....

same thing...

1440 x 1300 = 1872000

1440000 = minutes in 1000 days
144000 = minutes in 100 days
14400 = minutes in 10 days
1440 = minutes in 1 day

11 11 'days' enough for you? ;)

101 days
"love of god"
12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+7 = 101

"binary, error correction..."
"three times..."

101101101 = 365

101101 = 45

101 = 5
101 = 5
101 = 5

365 + 45 = 410 x 5 = 2050 x 5 = 10250 x 5 = 51250

5125 is the Mayan Long Count number of 'years'... so report scholars.

1872000 days / 144000 = 13 (13 x 5 = 65) x 8 = 520
1872000 days / 14400 = 130 (130 x 5 = 650) x 8 = 5200
1872000 days / 1440 = 1300 (260 x 5 = 1300) x 8 = 10400

By the way...

3 x 4 = 12 !oh
6 x 4 = 24 oo!
9 x 4 = 36 aaah!
..............72 ... too "one degree every 72 years"

72 x 4 = 288 and with zeros...
72 x 40 = 2880 two days.
720 x 4 = 2880 two days for good measure ... also.



8.13 off the Ridge
Near Pearth

"I'm Broken"

Diamantina Fracture Zone
maybe 13.8

"this might be fiction"

6726 Corona


4 Mirror 52 to BE

If we look at the numbers 1440 and put some identification to them... it's easy to see what they can become.are.

1440000 = minutes in 1000 days
144000 = minutes in 100 days
14400 = minutes in 10 days
1440 = minutes in 1 day

11 11 'days' enough for you? ;)

144 as 'hours' = 6 days

6666 'days' as 1111 x 6

why multiply? because...
6+6+6+6 = 24
we add next.

144 = hours in 6 days

1440 plus Sunday

12 x 12 hours = 144 hours in six days
12 + 12 = 24 hours in one day

Mirror 52 to BE

52 x 25 = 1300

1872000 / 52 = 36000 / 25 = 1440 'minutes' in One.Day... x 1300 = 1872000 'Mayan Great Cycle Number'

1872000 / 520 = 3600 'seconds' in One.Hour / 25 = 144 'ADD' they said.
1872000 / 5200 = 360 'One.Circle'

The Maya Great Cycle has 5125 'years', that's

= 1872000 'days'

and 144000 'days' = Maya.n Baktun

1872000 days / 144000 = 13 (13 x 5 = 65) x 8 = 520
1872000 days / 14400 = 130 (130 x 5 = 650) x 8 = 5200
1872000 days / 1440 = 1300 (260 x 5 = 1300) x 8 = 10400

1872000 days / 18 = 104000

1872000 days / 180 = 10400

1872000 days / 1800 = 1040 = 260 x 4

1040 is the sum of numbers 14+15+16....+23+24+25+26 = 260

Also known as the letters N through Z, English alphabet... any alphabet.

.... I'm making it easier

"why repeat?

because it does"

Until you write it down

3 hours = 180 minutes

3 hours = 180 minutes ... 360
3 hours = 180 minutes
3 hours = 180 minutes ... 360
3 hours = 180 minutes
3 hours = 180 minutes... 360
3 hours = 180 minutes
3 hours = 180 minutes ... 360

1440 plus 360 = 1800 plus 1800 = 3600 = 1 hour and I second that.


oh, we just got out into space... don't float away....

"even if your mind let's you move stuff one day..."

By the way...

3 x 4 = 12 !oh
6 x 4 = 24 oo!
9 x 4 = 36 aaah!
..............72 ... too
72 x 4 = 288 and with zeros...
72 x 40 = 2880 two days.
720 x 4 = 2880 two days.. also.

Phone home?

Since you so have souped up the question...

260 'Tzolkin' x 360 'Tun' = 93600

93600 x 52 = 4867200 / 1440 = 3380 / 260 = 13

is yet another way.

3600 'seconds' an 'hour'
3380 -
0220 ... blink .220 ... 022.


..... wait.... there's more....

FINE! go pee...


January 6 2012 <~ that way 1111 daze = 12.21.2008 Winter Solstice.
"we have four positions in a year"

Added together = ................... then digit sum = ...... then sum X sum

9999 = 36 ..................3 + 6 = 9
8888 = 32 ..................3 + 2 = 5
7777 = 28 ...................2 + 8 = 10
6666 = 24 .................2 + 4 = 6
.........120 .............................30 x 120 = 3600 'seconds to an hour'

5555 = 20................2
4444 = 16................7
3333 = 12 ...............3
1111 = 4 ..................4
2222 = 8 + ............. 8 +
........... 60 ................24 x 60 = 1440 as 'hours' = 60 days, as 'minutes' = 1 day

3600 as just a number
....60 plus

The year 2012 has 366 days
The next 'year' , is 2013

"We leap on four"

366 days 2012 - 60 = 1952

366 days: 2013 - 61 'years' = 1952 is the year that Pacal's tomb was reopened.
366 days: 2008 - 61 years = 1947 is the year of several things, RoseWell being one and the finding of the Dead Sea scrolls being another.

455 x 8 = 3640
455 x 80 = 36400 / 7 = 5200 / 13 = 400 happens to be years in Gregorian count also...

ophiuchus is 13

"... loops to spool ..."

Notions are oceans of fun...

455 x 8 = 3640
455 x 80 = 36400 / 7 = 5200 / 13 = 400 happens to also be years in the Gregorian cycle.

Pacal lived

5580 years.
5125 - long count

The tomb was left open nine years.... the pyramid was built as 4 sides, 9 terraces

400 x 9 = 3600 'seconds' in One hOur

455 x 9 = 4095 / 585 = 7th Planet (that's from 'there' toward the sun...)

3 Nerdy

"...mores coming..."

vertigo is no big deal....
remember that.

barf if you have to...

"you're gonna have ESP after this"
don't freak out.

"... I don't care if you believe me..."
that's true too. This might all be fiction anyway ;)

:)) it's good for you.

energy... nerd;

5 13 3

5+13+3 = 21 squared = 441
5 + 1 + 3 + 3 = 12 squared = 144



1440 'minutes' a day ... clue
584 'Venus' days

5133 and the magic number is
E =

.... you can believe whatever you want... or not.

~"nature doesn't waste"

Message 1.
it only ever changes form.
Easter 2013
3.31 and 5.5


Spinning Mr.E






~@~ digit sum...

5125 - Mayan Long Count years

... B lind CC

43 21
12 34 +
55 55 'Vertical'

55.55 IF 'hours', then 3333 'minutes'

3333 IF 'years'...
2012 + Mayan calendar 'end' year.
5125 - Mayan Long Count

2013 +
5125 - Mayan Long Count

...both of them.

~ Merge...

441 ~and mirror~ 144 "add..." they said.

144 as 'hours' = 6 days.

0441 ~@~ 1440 'minutes' = 1 'day'

441 + it's mirror 144 = 585

"... eat something... you're growing... I mean glowing... I mean... you know. "


In the Beginning....
There was something called simple...

Inspired by Laws of Simplicity
(don't frown on him that I used a sample of it, I read it and yes, I agree, I'm not as smart as them)


Sum. (aka Reduction..Law 1 Simplicity) and aka Digit Summing, Numerology.
Group. (Law 2 Simplicity)
Grow. (Fibonacci style)
Observe Again...

"In the Beginning Beginning... there are Sum."

the 'center' sums:


English alphabet with both Capital and Lower Case lettering, would be 52 letters in all.

444444444 = 36 (4 x 9)
5555 = 20

20 x
720 (360 twice)

1234567891234 = 55
5678912345678 = 71 (plus another 9 to make all numbers triplicate) = 80
55 + 71 + 9 = 135

A Mayan Tun has 360 'days'
SO does a circle and
Six hours of 'whole minutes'....

stick around....


On The Wall ...

"..this way.." 5.1.7 = 33

..20 13 ..


..13 20..

77 (top two as seventy seven)
77 (seventy seven)
28 (four sevens on the side) as vertical
28 (four sevens on the side) as vertical
77 (seventy seven)
77 + (seventy seven)

".... show the Count ... the 7, 4 and 13. In this way..."

K'inich Janaab Pakal

7 x 4 x 13 = 364

"... fly..."

585 - 220 = 365

585 - 221 = 364

455 - 364 = 91

455 - 365 = 90

455 - 366 = 89 'hi' ;)

"... don't worry, keep reading..."

"...the popes smokin..."


1×13 = 13
2×13 = 26
3×13 = 39
4×13 = 52
5×13 = 65
6×13 = 78
7×13 = 91
8×13 = 104
9×13 = 117
sums… = 585

10×13 = 130
11×13 = 143
12×13 = 156
13square = 169
sums…. = 598

585 – 365 = 220

598 – 364 = 234 and this number is the one…

plus 234 + 1776 = 2010 ‘beginning this year’

2010 – 220 = 1790 Qio
2010 – 221 = 1789 Qhi ;)

”... magic …”

2010 ++ = 5589 … you remember ‘this’ number right? ;)~

“full circle”

Hi honey
I’m home. ;) xo

One minute early even.

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 … 144 o

... and oh yeah…

It’s a Venus, too.

364 + 220 = 584 ‘Venus’ days

“for good measure”


yes, it is.

13×18 = 234×20 = 4680… / two = 2340
....................... .....8640o ‘seconds a day’

.... you think you're old?

400 years


four hundred
and forty
for years

7o4+ four scores seventh yEar
11 4 8

11+4+8 = 23 like 'pair' of ears...

444 -

260 x 23 = 5980

5980 minus
5580 'Pacal' life span

... isn't that right Bond;

5980 - 5280 = 700 "double Oo sevens "

"... good god is .... write"


Okay For Real

1331 days from 12.21.2008 Winter Solstice

8.13.2012 "... my birthday..."

3113.13.8 Start date, Maya Long Count
1331 13 8 ... our birth day ;)

Caac.mI @HE


days from 12.21.2008 Solstice is 3.26.2013 Pacal's bday

1556 + 1776 = 3332 + 2013 = 5345


20 x 20 = 400

the CC XX part of MDCC LXXVI (1776 roman value)

220 Roman value

MC L VI = 1556 + 220 = 1776

1556 days from Winter solstice 12.21.2008 = 3.26.2013 Pacal's 'bday'

1776 - 1770 = 6

1556 - 6 = 1550

1550 days from Winter Solstice 12.21.2008 = 3.20.2013 Equinox that year

2013                        2013
Perihelion Jan 2 05 Equinoxes Mar 20 11 02 Sept 22 20 44
Aphelion July 5 15 Solstices June 21 05 04 Dec 21 17 11

1440 'minutes' a day
.XX. Roman numerals

"oh... yes, it's the inbetweeny thing..."

"... stay tooned, we're about to phone home ET...." ;)

time: 10:04 am


3994 pattern 'egg head' ;)
5770 Jewish year 2009 and 10

5771 Jewish year 2010 and 11
5772 Jewish year 2011 and 12

"...I can be Jewish too if I want to be... YOU don't own it. ;)... "

... breathe....
it really is healthy

theres more :)
don't worry, it's in the air
and you breathe it already...
don't freak out when you 'feel' it.
Vertigo is no big deal
remember that. 

"... it's the answer to the Universal..."
did you really expect all this to LOOK like a "Jesus"?

Mayan Minutes?

The "Lead"...

The ruler Pacal said...

"...show the people of the Earth the Count..."
"...the 7 the 4 and the 13..."
"...in this way..."

7 x 4 x 13 = 364 certainly

the number 364 is a familiar number in the modern system of timekeeping...

52 weeks a year x 7 days a week = 364 days a 'year'

It is written that the ancient Maya used a base 20 system
That their three main calendar systems are
1. The Sacred 260 day Tzolkin
2. The Tun of 360 days
3. The civil calendar called Haab of 365 days

Their 'calendar' cycle is said to end December 21, 2012 Winter Solstice
This cycle is called the Mayan Long Count cycle... the one 'ending' 12.21.2012
It is written that the Long Count cycle was abandoned by the Maya long ago...

I am not in total agreement with that...

12-21-2012 is approximately 5125 'years' which is 1872000 'days'. This is also called the "Great Cycle".

The Long Count math looks like this...
(add sources)

NAMED............................ 'DAYS' .......................... MATH
Kin........................................ 1 .................................. x 20
Uinal..................................... 20 ............................... x 18
Tun....................................... 360 ............................. x 20
Katun................................... 7200 ........................... x 20
Baktun................................. 144000 ...................... x 13
Great Cycle......................... 1872000

Looking at them in 2007 I didn't recognize them to be anything but 'days'....
In short time, I realized they are also 'minutes'...

NAMED............................ 'MINUTES' ................. 'AS HOURS'
Kin........................................ 1 .............................................................
Uinal..................................... 20 ..........................................................
Tun....................................... 360 ............................. 6 ...................... 1 Quarter day
Katun................................... 7200 ........................... 120 .................. 5 Days
Baktun................................. 144000 ...................... 2400 .............. 100 Days
Great Cycle......................... 1872000 .................... 31200 ............. 1300 Days

My first impulse is that some of the translation was 'incomplete' or misunderstood.

1300 'Days' x 1440 (normally viewed as 'minutes' in a day) = 1872000 which is the Long Count Great Cycle Number.

1300 x 1440 = 1872000 looks very similar to Baktun cycles of
13 x 144000 = 1872000

what did I say?

"... it's the answer to the Universal..."
did you really expect all this to LOOK like a "Jesus"?

it's the universe.
it's Life.

"... that's right ..."
stay tuned...