know who
you are...
2036 is the year in question
0236 "sidereals" real seconds
1776 plus
2012 is why
"plus one to grow on..."
2012 "swhichback"
0212 "February" 12 ........ 12 August
2012 x 2 = 4024
itsmibook... so hush and let me do it my way... thank you... fires the cracker and hires the cheese
the longest interview ever... 5:58pm
1955 × 3 = 5865 – 5280 = 585
1755 × 4 = 7020 / 585 = 12 and this is where they added one
585 / 13 = 45 ‘maybe’ a degree?
and if they’d not added the one to divine the time, then they would have used it against Venus… 585 – 1 = 584 Venus days
“we’re so alike, they mixed up our maths”
so they said…
and if then they wanted to move up a block, they’d have taken the one, plus the 12 and added it to the pyramid, giving 598, which then is the ‘upper four’
10 11 12 13 …
“first there were four
he wanted four more
and we didn’t even know
we were us then …”
Q. whos the doc
and they got 195 from
13 squares plus 13.. twice
= 195
13 × 13 + 13 + 13 = 195
585 / 195 = 3
“whatchewish”? ;)
585 / 19.5 = 30 xxx Games of the XXX Olympiad
“ending 8.12.2012”
389 days from today
390 @ 360
chi …;p @@ ;p
33 days apart
33 + 389 = 422