

“… doubles vision …”

11 11 22 33 55 88 ……. oh say it again!  There are 88 constellations
turns up from hear

88 +
..... is it you?

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
x 0 x

....... i love you, even if we're odd

22 66 88 44 = 220
11 33 99 77 = 220
55 55 55 55 = 220

"flip for me"

00 11 11 22 33 55 88 = 220

789 987 = 1776........... 1776 x 3 (octal) = 5772 Jewish year ... "also year 2011 / 2012"
456 654 = 1110
123 321 = 444 ............. $$$ is that "write on the money" enough? ;)
before I continue?..... hahahahahahahahaha

... "the secrets of 3 6 and 9 ...ArtWorks"


flip it!

“… doubles vision …”

11 11 22 33 55 88 ……. oh say it again!
:)) ((; 22 x x x x 88 = 2013 and as minutes = 33 : 55 ‘hours’!

turns up from hear

88 +

"flip it
up an octave"


" doing "

so I did

the oddly even

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

22668844 = 220
11339977 = 220
55555555 = 220

I speak...

with certainty, I know
about something I don't know all about
and that's not my part of it anyway, thank god.
I'm here to 'show it'...

It comes from the sky.

... come back and keep reading...
it just got started.

easy sum...

The Long Count aka TLC

Great Cycle........ 1872000 'days' = 5125 'years', 'ending' December 21, 2012, Winter Solstice

13 x 20 = 260 Mayan Sacred Tzolkin
18 x 20 = 360 Mayan Tun

20 x 20 = "vision"

1872000 / 1300 = 1440 / 4 = 360
1872000 / 1800 = 1040 / 4 = 260
............................difference = 100 Mayan
............................ 0400 'The' difference

1872000 / 400 = 4680 and this going >> this direction = 8640
and by coincidence, 86400 = 'seconds' in 1 day ... one additional 'zero'

back to  4680 / 13 = 260
and also 4680 / 18 = 360

why 2013... also

everyone was so focused on the end date that they probably forgot there's a begin date right after it.

so the traditional translation says that the beginning date of The Mayan Long Count is August 13, 3114

It's also been written by some that the begin date was August 11, 3113

remember that The Long Count is dated to 'end' December 21, 2012 and that date is 5125 years in the Mayan Cycle... so take that year number

5125 and subtract
3113 easily we get the 'begin' year of the Mayan Long Count cycle.

remember the pyramid on the $1.00 bill?

MD L VI = 1556
CC XX = 220

WELL.... 1556 x 2 = 3112 plus 2013 = 5125

perhaps this is the 'beginning' of a beautiful understanding.... called, the 'next' cycle. ;)


we can start with the 'ten keys'
they're quite fascinating in a weird way...
we can start with them and the year of 1776
because it's the year of our independence and
because it's much more then that even...

believe it or not, 1776 is also Mayan and has to do with this year of 2012, Winter Solstice as well as next year.

the Mayan Lord Pacal, gave an inscription using three/four numbers.
he said... " the seven, the four and the thirteen, in this way..."
and so we should ask... in which way?
as we didn't, it became to us instead.

the year of 1776 is also represented on the United States $1.00 bill at the base of the pyramid on the great seal.  the roman numerals are MDCCLXXVI and most obvious are the twins within them.

CC XX = 220
MD L VI = 1556

220 is also an octave, a voltage, a maximum heart rate as well as the sound of color

The Mayan Long Count is dated to 'end' on December 21, 2012, this Winter Solstice.

That date is the 'end' of a 5125 year Mayan cycle.

It is also day 1872000 in the Mayan Great Cycle.... aka The Long Count

I say... TLC

Their traditional long count cycle are these...

Kin = 1 ................................ x 20
Uinal = 20 .............................x 18
Tun = 360 .............................x 20
Katun = 7200 .......................x 20
Baktun = 144000 ..................x 13
G.Cycle = 1872000 'days'

Looking at these numbers, 'un-named', it can be seen that these are the 'modern' time cycles and units in use today.  Clear to recognize is the cycle of Baktun days as 144000 x 13 cycles = 1872000 'days'

this is the same as to say

1440 minutes in a day x 1300 days = 1872000 'minutes' and the same as to say
1440 'days' x 1300 'days' = 1872000 'days'

the difference is a 'shift' of two zeros

back to the 10 keys...

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
x 0 x

looking at the 789, see the 987 also and think perhaps of 'eb and flow', 'back and forth'

789 + 987 = 1776

what a coincidence right ? and left....

well then, back to Pacal... who said 7 4 13 in 'this' way...


147 +
1776  and also 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 and if you
multiply... 12 x 1776 = 21312, then put some 'alpha' to it....

2 1 3 1 2
b a c a b ..........something, amazing happens

meet the Bacab

Yucatec traditions

The Bacabs "were four brothers whom God placed, when he created the world, at the four points of it, holding up the sky so that it should not fall.... wiki

Q. and HOW did the founding 'fathers' ever figure that one out?
Q2. and WHY am I asking the 'founding fathers'?  because July 4, 1776 is the year of United State independence.

written as 7.4.1776

applying gematria...... A1, B2, C3, D4..... M13..........Z26



"in god" we trust....in

so I did

the oddly even

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

22668844 = 220
11339977 = 220
55555555 = 220

thoughts on it

this came into my head about four years ago.
it's gotten much more organized since then.
while it doesn't appear so, i know so.
i'm not convinced we're all the same.
species is what I mean... 'human'
then again, I could just be crazy
which would explain most of it.
unfortunately, 'crazy' doesn't
really explain the most of it
and so here I am writing
four plus years later.
It's what I do now.

Okay then...

I'm thinking out loud



and they say
they only go
this way

1372 = 13
13720 = 31

1237 = '13'
12037 = '31'

"it's my birthday"