
Maya knew SOL?

The traditional Long Count looks like this...

Kin........................1....................................x 20
Uinal.....................20.................................x 18
Tun.......................360...............................x 20
Katun....................7200............................x 20
Baktun..................144000.......................x 13
Great Cycle..........1872000.....................=

like like...

20 20 20 = 60
18 13 = 31 x 60 = 1860
which is the same as to say...

31oo x 60 = 186000 which is the same number used as SOL miles per second.

1872000 - 186000 = 001200o

I think they used the same number to show not only days...
1872000 = 1300 x 1440 (minutes in a day) so this would be 1300 days in minutes. As days, they'd be the MLC...

13 x 144000 = 1872000
130 x 14400 = 1872000
1300 x 1440 = 1872000

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