
As Simple As Possible...

... WE pass the ball on a team.

Count and Add;...
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91

14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 = 260


1 thru 13 are 91 'steps' x 4 'sides' = 364 'steps'
2 thru 13 are 90 'degree' x 4 = 360 'tun'e

14 thru 26 are 260 x 4 = 1040

"WE have thumbs.two.too"

91 x 5 = 455
260 x 5 = 1300 spin days to minutes = 1872000 'minutes'.

144000 Baktun x 13 cycles = 1872000 Great Cycle days is the same as to say
1440 days x 1300 days = 1872000 Great Cycle days.
There happen to be 1440 minutes in one day also.

WE are the same system...

7 days x 4 weeks x 13 'moons' = 364 days a year
5 days x 4 weeks x 13 'moons' = 260 working days a year

2 days x 4 weeks x 13 'moons' = 104 weekend days a year
... in 364 days a year

104 'years' also happen to be what the Maya call the Venus Round.

... which is also what we use, even if we don't think about it.
7 days x 52 weeks = 364 days
5 days x 52 weeks = 260 days

2 days x 52 weeks = 104 days

The modern solar year is an average of 365.2425 days long

The Gregorian calendar is made up of 400 years
303 years have 365 days
97 years have 366 days
400 years have 146097 days

We leap on 366 days every four years.

1872000 / 5125 = 365.2682 is the average 'Maya' year in the Long Count cycle of 5125 years.
0146097 / 400 = 365.2425 is the average solar year in our modern calendar

The difference is 0257

Mayan Long Count Traditional:

Kin = 1 x 20 = 20
Uinal = 20 x 18 = 360
Tun = 360 x 20 = 7200
Katun = 7200 x 20 = 144000
Baktun = 144000 x 13 = 1872000 days, which is 5125 years, which is recorded as 'ending date'
December 12, 2012

...to be.continued.2013 ...

Sea again...

360 / 4 = 90
360 / 5 = 72 x 26000 = 1872000
3600 / 5 = 720 x 2600 = 1872000

36000 / 5 = 7200 x 260 = 1872000
26000 / 5 = 5200 x 360 = 1872000

2600 / 5 = 520 x 3600 = 1872000
260 / 5 = 52 x 36000 = 1872000
260 / 4 = 65

90 + 65 = 155 x 1200 = 186O0o !ight! smiles per the 'second' some say, sum more...agree
90 x 65 = 5850 /

155 x 36 = 5580Pacal
5 . 5 . 80

5 5 80

plus the nine years the tomb was open

55 80+9 = 5589


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