I've been thinking on something for quite a while, so I guess I'll add it here.
I've been thinking on a statement made about the Mayan Calendars...about 'Natural Time vs Artificial Time' frequencies...
It's been said that the time we keep of 12 hours and 60 minutes is 'artificial time'. It's been said that the Maya 13:20 frequency is Natural time as we have 13 moons and 20 (toes and fingers).
With all due respect...They both must be true.
This is the traditional Mayan Long Count...
1 = Kin (also known as Day)
1 x 20 = 20 called Uinal
20 x 18 = 360 Tun
360 x 20 = 7200 Katun
7200 x 20 = 144000 Baktun
144000 x 13 = 1872000 Great Cycle days,
which is 5125 'years', and
12.21.2012, 11:11 UT <~ that says Universal Time....is the noted 'ending' date.
... as a side note, letters U = 21 and T = 20
just... blink a sec...
UT 2120 TU 2012
And it's said that the Long Count is no longer in use, but once WAS in use by the Maya to count longer cycles of time such as 5125 years. They were using this back in the triple digit years... and they no longer use it.
It's my belief that we do.
They take the logic of 13 x 20 = 260 and those are the number of days in what is called a Mayan sacred Tzolkin 'calendar'. They say that the 260 day count is still mysterious.
I think that 260 is also the sum of numbers 14 +...+ 26 as straight addition.
Anyway... if we then use the same simple math for the 'artificial time frequency'...
we get 12 x 60 = 720...
well 720 is nothing more then 360 twice.
Two Tun, so to speak.
Maya call 360 a Tun and get it from multiplying 18 x 20.
We happen to call 360 a circle also.
One quarter of the clock too (that's six hours as 6 x 60 = 360 minutes every six hours).
Now, if 260 is 'true' to be Maya, and 13:20 'true' to be a Natural timing frequency, well then 720 and 12:60 must be also, 'true' for Natural time.
Or, 13:20, would have to fall into what is called 'artificial time'. They are the 'same count'.
Just shown two different ways.
Our Watch....
the clock says a day is 1440 'minutes'.
The Maya call BakTun 1440 00 'days' 13 x 20 = 260 Tzolkin days x 5 'fingers' = 1300 x 1440 = 1872000 (aka. 7200 Tzolkin)
12 x 60 = 720 (two Tuns) x 2 = 1440 (four Tuns) x 1300 = 1872000 (aka 5200 Tuns) 12 x 60 = 720 x 5 'fingers' = 3600 x (260 + 260= 520) = 1872000
3600 happens to also be 'minutes' in 1 Hour of the clock.
But as days and x two Tzolkin, give us either 7200 Tzolkin as 1872000 days or 5200 Tuns as 1872000 days.
Works out the same, whatever you call them. Minutes, days, daisies in a day... fingers even.
6 x 60 = 360 x 2 = 720 x 5 'toes' = 3600 and so on...
We have technically, FOUR fingers, ONE thumb each
Well, 6 x 60 is looking pretty 'circle.ish' to me.
18 x 20 = 360 Tun days and so does
6 x 60 = 360 'Tun days'.
12 x 60 = 720 x 10 = 7200 Katun so it works for our base 10, decimal system in addition to the Maya who use Vigesimal, which is base 20. So we count by 10s and they count by 20. Which means we're the same, Count.
And here's the cheery... ;)
360 x 400 = 144000... no names, just use your imagination... what can 144000 be??
Now, if 400 were 'years', we could say that a Tun of 360 days x 400 'years', makes a Baktun of 144000 'days'.
It's similar to say...
400 years in a Gregorian cycle x 365.2425 days = 146097 days'...
Gregorian version of a BakTun perhaps?
Maya 144000
Greg 146097
Difference 2097 days total, Gregorian is high.er if looked at this way.
A Gregorian cycle is 400 years and contains 146097 days.
303 years = 365 days each
97 years = 366 days each
400 years containing 146097 days averages 365.2425 days each (we know this number).
Maya 365.2682
Greg 365.2425
Tweeny difference.
Having said that....
Pical the Mayan ruler said "...show the Tunuc, the Count of 7 x 4 x 13 = 364 and so it should also be true.
7 days x 52 weeks = 364 is the same as 7 days x 4 'weeks' x 13 'moons' = 364 'days'.
400 years of any 'Gregorian' calendar year, be it of 365 days, 365.2425 averaged days or 366 leap days, they all contain 364 days.
So, let's look at that artificial time again....
12 x 60 = 720 = half a day
12 x 60 = 720 = half a day
This means...
6 hours =360 minutes = Quarter Day
6 hours =360 = Quarter Day
6 hours =360 = Quarter Day
6 hours =360 = Quarter Day
But 360 is also the Tun!
So, then Who's driving the boat?~Wink.et.blink. Love the fun.This means that
3 hours = 180 minutes
3 hours = 180 minutes ... 360
3 hours = 180 minutes
3 hours = 180 minutes ... 360
3 hours = 180 minutes
3 hours = 180 minutes... 360
3 hours = 180 minutes
3 hours = 180 minutes ... 360
~So, what's Artificial then?
Still got your eyeballs on? ;)
This is all by the way, just my opinion.
Oh, Pical said 7 x 4 x 13 = 364 and divided by four, we get a pyramid with 91 steps on 4 sides = 364 steps.
91 also happens to be 1 +2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13, of anything = 91 of them.
Start adding at 2, then it's 90 and that might even be a degree or something. ;)
So I guess if I were to take a guess at where that mysterious Tzolkin number of 260 came from, I'd say it came from the next 13 numbers added up.
Or it came simply by 5 'work' days a week x 52 weeks a year... =
2601 +2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91 x 4 =
36414+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 =
260 x 5 'fingers' =
Some might say, that to look at Time, is to be kept by Time. Perhaps so, but if you don't Look at Time, then how do you ever know that you're not in it?"Time is on our side."Or am I just crazy?
If we put one pebble down with two, we have three pebbles and so on and we do this 13 times, increasing one stone each time, we get 91 stones. If we do this whole row, four more times, we get 364 stones. ...
This would be true with a sum of 260 stones if we did this beginning with 14 stones.
And to grow the pile...
260 stones x 5 piles = 1300 stones x 1440 more piles of them = 1872000 stones in the 'mountain'.
How is this artificial? Either way? Cept to say...
it's mighty co.incidental, that 1872 if you give them some space...
turn into all the colors...
18 7 2 000
R G B 000...
according to PhotoShop anyway... O!
Happens to also be the color of my KC... (Kitty Catta). He's so mysterious...