
sLight ... bank.

155×1200 = 186000 miles per second of speed light.
55×36 = 1980
186000 plus 1980 = 187980
Mayan Great Cycle number = 187200o
that’s what they use…
1872000 divided by 780 = 2400 hOurs.
I used the number 312 ...why? because i read somewhere that the Roslyn chapel has 213 boxes of chimes or something... anyway...
186000 miles per second SOL

187200o Mayan Great Cycle number
186312 my guess...
===== compare
187200o compare some more...
186000 SOL
001200 ...now how coincidental is all this?

oh yes and also because 312 and 213 are numbers I saw on this thing called a Hexoctahedron and that looks like something I wear as a pendant... and also because 312 spells CAB and it said BACAB... so... tHere it is. :)
chow ;)

oh... 780 x 3 = 2340 and 2400 - 2340 = 60 << look familiar?

hours in 60 days = 1440 which coincidentally, looks like minutes in one day.

1440 x 1300 = 1872000 and that happens to be the Mayan Great Cycle number in both days and minutes.

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