

number keypads ready please….

follow along kids, they didn’t show you this in text messaging school…

789 + 987 = 1776 (raise your hands first please…)
888 (do the Maya read in the vertical these days still?)

Periodically, I have to breathe…

h 2os
8×88 = 7o4 …she wonders if the kids are at attention… when do we do fireworks?
(in the US)

BUT for some real fun… we know it’s
hh O right? ;)

8+8+8=24 also
............X ‘kiss’....

by the way… it’s a River of wonders…

MY bday… dear. :)

we can arm wrestle for it if’n you want.
but I get to sMile also.


:-) shouldn’t H2O be H+H+O= 1+1+8= 10 sorry me not knowing just assuming 13th August, I will have to remember ….. everywhere else in the world they go DDMMYYYY so maybe ….

yes, H2O… can you hear me now? hellO?
I don’t think so…..............................he’s”energized” 110
”... damn it James, I couldn’t wash my beer mug with 110…” 880)

and what year is it in Mayan,,,,, or any other…

this year
is year 234
two three four plus 1776 = 2010
it’s 2013 in a T’izzy and 2012 if the sidereal is really 236 seconds short a day
in my humble op

but if the sidereal IS really 236 short a day… and who has that as a ‘fact’ I’m not sure while Butler and Knight make quite the remarkable case (also in my opinion)... 236 seconds a day short over the span of a 366 spin, leaves us 24 seconds short over the ‘year’.
X like I said. ;) xo

having said that, they DID call it the TUnuc…
in which case, 2012 stands a Chance.
..................... ....X does make a TU… actually a UT, which is Universal Time so that’s not a wrong thing… just another thing. ;)

U . T

it’s com 1
what does that do?

it means in light of open communications, they were really quite elegant about it all…
“how old does old get?”... and it is impressive.
Our modern time keeping says this…
60 seconds a minute
60 minutes an hour
3600 seconds an hour
24 hours a day is also
1440 minutes a day is also
86400 seconds a day.
you know how they work?
”...when you love them…”
;) ‘mine’ work. lol!
let’s go sidereal now for 366
”... the spin cycle..@@ .......399…”
”... the sidereal is 236 seconds shorter a day, then the other day of 86400 seconds…”
they said something like that.
so, in a sidereal ‘year’, the earth spins 366 times (in a 365 day calendar year and yes, I know it’s .2425 more, did them 2.5 yar ago ;)...
236×366 = 86376 seconds a 366 spin year
............needs (x) 24 more… to LOOK LIKE 86400 ‘seconds of a day’
then, somewhere along the history… something/ones ‘removed’ the WOW of it all some say…
130×24 = 3120 …it’s my opinion that they’ve not yet agreed upon the WOW of it all…
3120 could go many ways,
and certainly it goes / 60 = 52 “Mayan” also, playing cards also)
and I believe this because… as hOurs, 3120 = 187200 ‘minutes’...
and as 31200 ‘days’ x 60 = 1872000 days, too. :) and that’s also a Long Count. imo)
there’s more but… it’s hard to see in this damn comment box… I forget what I’m saying.
okay, love, there it is.

uh! ....... almost forgot the funny….
3120 ‘hOurs’ = 130 ‘days’... lol!

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