

In the Winds on horse they came
penned in rhyme a fable when
Time was slow and myst was low
to the ground. Galloping echos
ride by Knight in sight of a lighted
sound bright bounding leaps of
stride in chime they came. Four
River Dark.Water flows in step
they ride again returning to sea
knowledge deep of Matters show
unseen known sounds in the ear
and we fear not what we Are,
when we hear. Our Wind Again.
Dark in Waters always Present
We Came to Be...

~Odd as it is, this poem is about 'Dark Matter'~

'Short Version' 155 x 36 = 5580 ;p
Elevation, my Pen.Name.UpSides

Pacal - Long Ct
5580 - 5125 = 455

Tzolkin x 5 digits
260 x 5 = 1300 Spin (N+++Z = 260)
91 x 5 = 455 N (A+++M = 91)
~A complete Pyramid sits on an 'Earth'~

91 x 4 = 364 + earth 91 = 455
steps x sides + foundation

true. For anything. Just.A.Maze.!i

455 - 55 = 400 Gregorian minus Vowels ... and certainly we need our vowels

~Matter of a :Park~

1 5 9 15 21 = 51 and sum Xs Y
Y = 25

51 and sum Xs 25

51 25 Long Count

51 = 6
25 = 7
76 13 and this is God taking...

six plus 7 = 13
six X 7 = 42

Sums 13 + 42 = 55 = 'Vowels' Mr. Douglas....

~My Name is Ford.Indeed.
~friends, excuse my brain madness as it creates something~
~Sorry if the number talk is weird to sum~
It's how I 'write'... and build characters

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