

Alphabet letter (English)
Decimal 'position' of the letter
Red numbers are 'digit sum' of that decimal#
Hexadecimal of the Decimal
Red numbers are the 'digit sum' of that Hex#
Octal of the Decimal
Red numbers are the 'digit sum' of that Oct#

Binary in four places of Decimal numbers 1 to 15
Os in blue, 1s in red

0. . ... 0000
1. A ... 0001
2. B ... 0010
3. C ... 0011
4. D ... 0100
5. E ... 0101
6. F ... 0110
7. G ... 0111
8. H ... 1000
9. I ... 1001
10. J ... 1010
11. K ... 1011
12. L ... 1100
13. M ... 1101
14. N ... 1110
15. O ... 1111 is the letter 'O'

The letter O is in number position 15 and15 is 1111 in binary

1111 is one quarter of something.... which contains 360 of those things,

bin....alpha, dec, ds.....Qt.....degree...ds
1111... O = 15.....6......360... 90....9
1111... O = 15.....6......360... 90....9
1111... O = 15.....6......360... 90....9
1111... O = 15.....6......360... 90....9 +
111100 ... 60 x 24 = 1440 = 360....36

60 x 1440 = 86400 which happens to be the number of 'seconds' in one day... also.

As binary, 1111 + 1111 + 1111 + 1111 = 111100

111100 = Decimal number 60 and represents 1440 'things'
which is also the sum of four letter Os if you add their decimal 'position' number...

15 + 15 + 15 + 15 = 60
1111 + 1111 + 1111 + 1111 = 111100 binary
111100 binary = Decimal number 60 and represents 1440 'things'

* this all is certainly, just my opinion about 'meanings'. The math is basic and you can check it via the windows calculator.

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