

"meme" by shortening "mimeme" which is derived from the Greek word mimema (something imitated)

"The Gregorian calendar is thus based on a cycle of 400 years, which comprises 146097 days. Since 146097 is evenly divisible by 7, the Gregorian civil calendar exactly repeats after 400 years.

Dividing 146097 by 400 yields an average length of 365.2425 days per calendar year..."

303 of those years contain 365 days
97 of them contain 366 days

... that means all 400 years contain the 52 week year of 364 days

The Maya Long Count is also written as 5125 ‘years’. So in 1872000 ‘days’, called the Mayan Great Cycle, there are 5125 ‘years’. The math is simple:

1872000 divided by 5125 = 365.2682 ‘days’ per each year.

146097 / 400 = 365.2425
144000 / 400 = 360 subtract to compare
days total............days per year difference

2097 / 5.2425 = 400

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