
B'linD CC

"...show the Count..."
"...in this way..."

How many ways can they go and stay in that order?... four on the inside.

7413 'Left to Right'
7431 'Mirror Right to Left'
1347 'Right to Left'
147 'Mirror Left to Right'

~Mirror Mirror on the Wall ~

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12

147 +
1776 Coincidence...

... She blinks ...

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 = 3

7+4+1 = 12 = 3
7+4+1 = 12 = 3
1+4+7 = 12 = 3
1+4+7 = 12 = 3
1776 (1+7+7+6) = 21 = 3

Sums... and digit sums... and as alpha
12 = 3 and as alpha, 3 is C
21 = 3 and as alpha, 3 is C
~B'lind CC

12 + 21 = 33 cc this is the one come b'lind

12 x 5 = 60

60 as 'days' = 1440 'hours'

~She blinks sum more...

12 squared = 144
21 squared = 441

Sum... 144 + 441 = 585

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